A Guide To Teaching Grandpa How To Tweet
Herb was seventy four years old and a technology buff. He always bought the latest innovation throughout his long life and decided to buy an Iphone. He brought it home and as he was flipping through the applications, his wizened finger fell upon the fated blue bird icon of Twitter. What was this strange gizmo? Share short posts with random people? There isn’t even enough space to type anything! Confused, Herb left the app alone and forgot all about it.What happened with Herb doesn’t have to happen to everyone. It is essential as a senior citizen to have help when using a new device to get the full use out of it. All they need some moderate assistance and they will be up and running.So what is Twitter to a senior anyway
Twitter has a multitude of features and functions. Essentially a microblog, it allows a user to post 140 character text messages to their followers. There is no limit to what posts can be about. Twitter can be anything to anyone. There are those who promote their business through it, and those who use it to market themselves. Whether it is through random jokes or self promotion, the possibilities are endless.There are a bunch of user friendly elements to show a senior when teaching them about twitter. First off, it’s essential to keep it as simple as possible. It’s easy to get lost in the mire of extensive hashtagging and trends, so at first start with the Twitter identity. On average, the age of the typical Twitter user is 37. Assure your senior that despite them being significantly older, the impact and appeal of their posts doesn’t change.Here are some cool ideas to suggest: Have their posts be central toward their passions in life. Whether it is golf, gardening or cooking there’s plenty a senior can chirp about. There are thousands of people out there interested. Stay positive! Some people only use Twitter to kvetch about life’s problems. Using Twitter to offer life perspective and sage advice can be fun and helpful to those looking for it. Follow the right people. Their old friends may be on Twitter, and reuniting is always heartwarming. Actors they love, brands they buy, and if they live in a nursing home, there is a good chance the nursing home is on Twitter as well! Be real. Chances are a senior citizen won’t be a Twitter addict like the average twenty year old. Make sure they know there isn’t much of a responsibility to post often, just when they feel the need. It’s fun, innovative, and there is much to learn. Get involved! As the teacher, tweeting at the senior and keeping them interested is a nice way to be involved.