Why Obesity is So Much More Deadly Than We Thought
The American Journal of Public Health released a shocking study this week. Their report detailed how obesity in adults accounts for no less than 18% of deaths among black and white Americans between the ages of 40 and 85.That means that one out of five people dying today is dying from being fat!To make matters worse, these numbers are up to three times higher than previously reported numbers, and according to study authors, the mortality rate from obesity is only growing.The study authors used data from 1986 to 2006 and examined thousands of Americans, taking into account their Body Mass Index (BMI) and their mortality rate.This was also one of the first studies to look into the connection of obesity and race and sex. The findings were similarly surprising. A staggering 26.8% of deaths amongst black women are caused by obesity, while only 5% of deaths of black men were due to obesity. Amongst whites, women’s deaths were caused by obesity 21.7% of the time, while the figure for white men was a steady 15.6%.The lesson as always, is simple. Start eating smart and start to get your body in motion and to exert yourself. Our bodies are not meant to be inhaling fried mozzarella sticks and diet sodas, just like we aren’t meant to be sitting at a desk eight hours a day and sedentary. Make slight lifestyle changes to incorporate smart eating and an exercise regimen. Your kids and grandkids will thank you.Make Your Body; Make Your Life